Title: rt2860sta-source.tce Description: script to fetch and build rt2860sta kernel module (TESTING) Version: Author: Ralink Technology (c) 2002-2007 (Upstream module source) Original-site: http://www.ralinktech.com/ralink/Home/Support/Linux.html Copying-policy: MIT (Script); GPLv2+ (Upstream module source) Size: 4.0K Extension_by: dmoerner Comments: This package includes a script written by dmoerner which will automatically fetch the source code for the rt2860sta wireless internet driver. It will compile the code against the running kernel and then create a portable package that contains the binary in /tmp. Requires compiletc and linux-headers-2.6.26 Please note that this currently depends on the .tce of the above dependencies because it is itself a .tce; however, to save memory you should feel free to manually use the .tcz versions of the compile tools if available. ------------ Example howto: $ compile-rt2860sta.sh $ tce-load /tmp/rt2860sta.tce $ modprobe rt2860sta After making the binary package you no longer need the source. The binary needs wpa-supplicant.tce to fully work. Changelog: Initial packaging; created patch to build module sanely Current: 2008/12/03