Title: mediaswg-vol.tce Description: JWM tray volume control integrated with hacked watcher(TESTING) Version: 0.1.0a Author: softwaregurl Original-site: http://www.softwaregurl.com Copying-policy: GPLv3 Size: 8k Extension_by: softwaregurl Comments: This is the first alpha version as an extension. Expect it to not work right and to break your Tiny Core install. Configuration file is /home/tc/.mediaswg/localdata/volumeconf.pl It is configured for use with ALSA and depends on perl5.tce/tcz watcher2h is my hack of Curaga's watcher in the base (Thanks Curaga) This is based around a thread on the tinycorelinux.com forum: "nifty volume control for jwm" Known Bugs: The changes to .jwmrc-tray will persist reboots (ie: the buttons and watcher2h). ---------------------------------------------- This extension is PPI compatible. Change-log: 2009/06/08 Original Current: 2009/06/08 Original