Title: getFlash9.tce Description: Download - Setup - Create flash9.tce script. Version: 0.1 Author: roberts Original-site: http://www.tinycorelinux.com Copying-policy: GPL Size: 4.0K Extension_by: roberts Comments: Downloads from Adobe flash9 archive. Extracts linux libflashplayer.so Setup libflashplayer for either Minefield, Firefox, Opera, Seamonkey or all four. Also includes compiled libflashsupport.so for OSS sound. libflashsupport is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0. Finally packages a flash9.tce to add to your tce collection. . NOTE: You must have already downloaded the browser and OSS. You must have started the browser at least once! You must have OSS started with the sound on menu option. Then select getFlash9 from the Apps menu. . If you already have your tce directory setup, then a flash9.tce will be installed there, otherwise it is in /tmp/tce/ . CAUTION: Flash9 requires gtk2 which is quite large. Change-log: 2008/12/11 Original 2009/04/04 Now a smaller download from Adobe Site. Current: 2009/04/11 Added Seamonkey and Firefox support.