Title: expat2.tcel Description: The expat XML parser. Version: 2.0.1 Author: James Clark Original-site: http://expat.sourceforge.net Copying-policy: OpenSource Size: 64K Extension_by: Jason W Comments: This is the main expat extension. For compiling apps dependent on expat2, you also need the expat-devs.tce extension. Expat and its devs are included in the perl_xml.tce extension, so if you have perl_xml.tce loaded you do not need this one. This extension is PPI compatible. Change-log: 2008/07/27 First version 2008/11/10 Optimized for i486 and for small size, removed version number from name. Current: 2008/12/17 Added symlink libexpat.so.0 to support more apps.